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Pregnant women should be careful with their diet! Can fish liver oil be used instead of fish oil?

嬰幼兒發育 fish liver oil

Research shows that pregnant women who consume enough fish oil can help with fetal brain development and cognitive ability. During fetal development, EPA and DHA are important nutrients that can promote the normal development and function of nerve cells, thereby helping to improve a child’s intellectual development. At the same time, consuming enough fish oil can also help with fetal visual development, especially during the later stages of pregnancy, when the intake of fish oil has a significant impact on the development of the fetal retina.


In addition, consuming enough fish oil can also reduce the risk of low birth weight and premature birth. Some studies have shown that consuming fish oil can reduce the risk of premature birth and decrease the likelihood of a baby being born with a low birth weight.


【The difference between fish oil and fish liver oil】

Many people ask if pregnant women can take fish liver oil? Is fish oil the same as fish liver oil?

In fact, fish oil and fish liver oil are two different nutritional supplements, extracted from different parts of fish, with different nutritional compositions and uses. However, pregnant women should be particularly careful, as excessive consumption of fish liver oil may have negative effects on the fetus!

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1. Fish oil

Fish oil is an oily component extracted from the body of fish, which mainly contains two omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids: EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are beneficial for brain health, visual health, and have been proven to be good for heart health. In addition, fish oil also helps reduce inflammation, alleviate joint pain, and improve bone health. Fish oil is also good for the development and growth of infants and young children.

2. Fish liver oil

In contrast, fish liver oil is an oily substance extracted from the liver of fish. It contains rich amounts of vitamin A and D, as well as small amounts of EPA and DHA. Vitamin A is beneficial for eye health, while vitamin D is important for bone health. Therefore, fish liver oil is more helpful for bone health than fish oil. However, fish liver oil contains higher levels of vitamin A and D, which may have negative effects on the body with long-term use, so it should be used with caution. Excessive intake of vitamin A may lead to symptoms of toxicity, including headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, bone pain, and itchy skin. It may also cause liver and bone problems. For pregnant women, excessive intake of vitamin A may also have adverse effects on the fetus. Excessive intake of vitamin D increases the risk of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, which may cause damage to the kidneys, bones, and heart health.

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Overall, both fish oil and cod liver oil contain beneficial nutrients for human health. If you want to improve brain function, protect heart and joint health, then choosing fish oil is a good option. If you need to improve vision and bone health, then choosing cod liver oil may be more suitable. Whatever you choose, be sure to follow the recommended dosage and usage instructions to avoid unnecessary risks to your body!