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【Pharmacist teaches you】How to choose safe and effective fish oil

魚油 推薦 fish oil

Assessing the Quality of Fish Oil

When purchasing fish oil, consumers should consider the safety and quality of the product, and not rely solely on internet recommendations. Recently, a consumer watchdog in Hong Kong found serious heavy metal contamination in some brands of fish oil. Many consumers tend to only focus on price and ingredients, while neglecting the important issue of safety. To assess the quality of fish oil, we can evaluate its efficacy, pollutants, and the source of the fish.


Pollutants can be divided into two main types. The first type is persistent organic pollutants (POPs), with dioxins and furans being the most famous. These pollutants are listed by the World Health Organization as one of the top ten chemical environmental pollutants. Among persistent organic pollutants, non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and furans are most likely to appear in marine foods.

International organizations such as the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) have established limits for pollutants (including important POPs and four heavy metals) and freshness indicators (oxidation level PV, AnV, Totox, etc.) in fish oil. Therefore, when choosing fish oil, you can select a product that has been certified by these international organizations.


Choose small fish species from pollution-free “pure water areas”

Many of today’s fishing grounds are contaminated, so the location of fish harvesting affects the quality of fish oil. Larger fish, such as swordfish and sharks, store more toxins and heavy metal pollution in their bodies, which can harm human health if consumed frequently. Therefore, fishing in pure water areas for smaller fish is safer.

International organizations such as the International Fish Oil Standards Program (IFOS), the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), and Friend of the Sea all have strict standards and certifications for the quality of fish oil, and have established indicators for the raw materials and quality of fish oil.



Since the last century, fish oil has been recommended for people of all ages and genders, including pregnant and lactating women, to maintain good health. There are tens of thousands of studies on fish oil, covering a wide range of fields, demonstrating the importance that scientists place on this substance. Therefore, consumers can choose fish oil products that have been certified by multiple authoritative studies, certifications, or have undergone clinical trials for several months.


While the efficacy of fish oil is often the first thing that consumers notice, taking large amounts of fish oil containing heavy metals can be counterproductive. Therefore, when purchasing fish oil, it is important to consider not only its efficacy, but also the level of pollutants and the source of the fish in order to maximize its benefits.

Equazen passed multiple international safety certifications

Equazen fish oil products with comprehensive testing of various impurities and pollutants to ensure that only effective, pure, and safest fish oil reaches your hands.

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GOED Globel EPA&DHA Organization:

Ensures that the purity and quality of Equazen fish oil meet the highest standards.

GOED Offers Proud Member logo | Natural Products INSIDER

Certified by FOS,PureMax:

Certified by Friends of Sea, selecting sand lance and anchovy from non-polluted waters in the South Pacific and strictly adhering to ethical standards for fishing and production. Equazen fish oil is extracted and processed using molecular distillation technology and frozen technology to remove odor and impurities. Equazen fish oil is also certified by PureMax for its purity level.


Complies with World Health Organization (WHO) and other international standards:

Complies with World Health Organization (WHO) and other international standards and regulations from procurement to manufacturing to transportation, ensuring quality assurance. Jiajian Su operates under strict regulations, including compliance with WHO and other international standards and regulations, as well as independent testing to ensure product safety and purity.

Compliance with EU standards, third-party independent agency inspection:

Equazen manufactured and imported in the UK and sold in Europe for 20 years, with each batch undergoing ingredient analysis by a third-party independent agency before leaving the factory.

Passed eight international clinical studies:

In terms of product effectiveness, at least 15 international scientific research papers and 8 clinical studies, including clinical trials at Oxford University, show that children who take Equazen for three months can improve their hyperactivity, reading and writing abilities, classroom performance, handwriting, and more.

Authoritative reports:

Equazen has been the subject of multiple special reports by UK television stations and large-scale follow-up studies by doctors at Durham LEA and Oxford University. Research in Sweden and Australia has also been reported in cutting-edge medical journals, gaining recognition from healthcare professionals, educators, teachers, and parents.

Comprehensive testing of various impurities and pollutants ensures that only effective, pure, and safest Equazen fish oil reaches your hands.